My Blog List

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

100 Questions Before I Sleep! =)

100 Questions Before I Sleep! =)

NAME: Jhon Henry Bueron
AGE: 19
BIRTHDATE: November 1, 1992

1. last beverage = Cranberry White Chocolate Mocha Frappe. I forgot to drink some water after my dinner. Awww!
2. last phone call = Got it from a friend. *evil plan*
3. last text message = “get well soon.. hahaha “
4. last song you listened to = Try Try Try by Jason Mraz
5. last time you cried = Just this afternoon. Cried of too much laugh trip with friends. Haha!

6. dated someone twice = Yes!
7. been cheated on = No!
8. kissed someone & regretted it = No. I mean everything, you want some? Hahaha..
9. lost someone special = yeaa.
10. been depressed = yes! But seldom.
11. been drunk and threw up = Damn. NOOOO!


12. Black
13. Brown
14. Blue


15. Made a new friend = YES!
16. Fallen out of love = Yes. TIP: Don’t dare to touch my hand. Hahaha!
17. Laughed until you cried = Yes. I’m a loud type of person and I most often laugh in any situation. Hahahaha. See!
18. Met someone who changed you = oh yeaaaaa. =)
19. Found out who your true friends were = YES baby.
20. Found out someone was talking about you = yes! My crazing friends often do that to me.
21. Kissed anyone on your FB friend's list = Ey! How did you know that? Hahaha. YES!!!


22. How many people on your FB friends list do you know in real life = Serioously? 50% I think. That’s how friendly I am in FB!
23. Have you ever felt humiliated?= Yes. Awww.
24. Do you have any pet? = Yes. Wanna meet him? His name is Lancer.
25. Do you want to change your name = Naaa. My name sounds like a Prince’ name!
26. What did you do for your last birthday = Talk to a friend, went to the cemetery, food trip, and enjoyed a surprise party at home.
27. What time did you wake up today = uhhhm. 6:30, then I resume sleeping then woke up at 9:30. Hahahaha!
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for= I can’t wait to graduate, go to Paris and find love elsewhere.
30. Last time you saw your Mother = I have my Mom here. Hahaha, 9PM?
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life = Eating routine. I hate being bubbly. Hahaha!
32. What are you listening to right now = Price Tag. Again!
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom? = uhhhm. Maybe? Just Thom. I’m sure with that!
34. What's getting on your nerves right now = Blood of course! Hahaha. I have to sleeeep!
35. Most visited webpage = Facebook, Twitter, Blogspot, Google.
37. Nickname = Jhon, Jan-jan, Henry, Toto, Nonoy, Bueron (grrrrgh!)
38. Relationship Status = Single and still kicking. Hahahaha!
39. Zodiac sign = Scorpio! RAWR.
40. He or She = He.
41. Elementary = Bacan Elementary School
42. High School = Cabatuan National Comprehensive High School
43. College = Central Philippine University College of Business and Accountancy.
44. Hair color = Black.
45. Long or short =Long?
46. Height =5'8" :D
47. Do you have a crush on someone? = A lot. That’s natural, I’m not abnormal.
50. Tattoos = Wait. Uhhm. NONE.
51. Righty or lefty= Righty.


52. First surgery = Head Stitches.
53. First piercing = Nail Piercing. HAHAHA!
54. First best friend = Joven :) grade school. I have many on my nursery years, actually.
55. First sport you joined = Badminton, Volleyball, Track and Field.
56. First vacation = MANILA. My Home. Hahahaha!
58. First pair of trainers = WTF?!


59. Eating = YES. Butter Scotch.
60. Drinking = No.
61. I'm about to = Sleep with you baby! Hahahaha.
62. Listening to = Music.
63. Waiting for = my eyes to close. Hahaha!

64. Want kids? = Yes. I want them.
65. Get Married? = Yes! Why not?!
66. Career? = I always dream to have a spot on a world largest accounting firm! Aww.


67. Lips or eyes = Any! Everything's the same if Light Off is in action :)
68. Hugs or kisses = Hey. BOTH!!!
69. Shorter or taller = Shorter.
70. Older or Younger = Younger.
71. Romantic or spontaneous = Romantic!
72. Nice stomach or nice arms = Nice Arms! yeaaa.
73. Sensitive or loud = LOUD.
74. Hook-up or relationship = Relationship! ♥
75. Trouble maker or hesitant = Hesitant!


76. Kissed a stranger = My lips are not meant for them.
77. Drank hard liquor = Yeaaa!
78. Lost glasses/contacts = maybe? Hahaha.
79. Sex on first date = Lot are not virgins, but I assure you baby, I’m a kicking and wild Virgin Man. Hahahaha!
80. Broke someone's heart = I think so? I don’t mean it, that’s why don’t assume. Okaay?
81. Had your own heart broken = Yes?
82. Been arrested = NO!
83. Turned someone down = YES. Hihi.
84. Cried when someone died = Yes! Flush Flood!
85. Fallen for a friend = ALWAYS. I just hide every angle of it. Tssssk.


86. Yourself = Yes! I love being a celebrity. Hahahaha!
87. Miracles = Yes! I like those.
88. Love at first sight = Honestly? Sometimes. Maybe they’re just a part of my past and never recalled them up.
89. Heaven = Yes!!!!
90. Santa Claus = Yes! Why not? Hahaha!
91. Kiss on the first date = Hahahaha. Kiss? Sure.
92. Angels = Yes! :)))
93. School: Ateneo De Manila University.
94. Drink: Cranberry White Choco Mocha Frappe. Hahaha!
95. Car: Bugatti Veyron!
96. Cellphone: Samsung SII
97: Place/Pasyalan: Party places. Tourist spots. Bar. Mall. House!
98. Food: Pastries! & Fried Alimango.. hahahaha!
99. Bilhin: PHONE. I need a new phone! Ahahaha.
100. After Graduation(college): I will take a deep breath. HAHAHA! Take the CPA Board Exam! After? I will go to places I dream before, tour the Philippines, go to Paris and go back at hometown and decide if I’ll enroll with a law School or not. Actually, I have a lot of personal plans after graduation. My brain just keep on telling me to wait for the right time to think more and tell others ‘bout it. I’ll just hold on what ever I have at that time, be thankful to God that, I have now the diploma and I am blessed for having it.

I just, Thank You for this. =)

Monday, November 7, 2011

MEMORABILIA: Agnosco Veteris Vestigia Flammae

Hello There! At last, I decided to resume on this, a friend just reminded me about this stuff and ‘twas good having this hobby back and kicking, again.

Actually, I have no idea of what hit-a-blog topic shall I cover for this. Okay, I’m thinking about the WVFJPIA Mid-Year Convention. I’m not suppose to put this on trending flow but I think this topic deserve to be told to. A lot of things happened, UPS for happiness and lifetime excitement, and definitely, DOWNS for flaws, and break-a-leg situation that I don’t deserve to encounter. I don’t know how I would define the experience in Mambukal Resort last Regional convention but all I just know is that it cannot be defined by simple words or truth-of-life situation; it would be, MORE than the word – GREAT :)

Hey, I will tell you some stuffs pertaining to this event. I’ll make this short, simple, and demure so don’t expect something great ‘bout it =) I give you just the important things to imagine.

DAY 1 – The Entrance: Green Registration!

ü I woke up so early that day, No rush up excitement, no further expectations, just fixing everything as if going to school in an ordinary day of the week. I am fortunate that morning ‘coz I rode a Jaro-CPU utility vehicle from our house straight up to the city and paid just PHP25 :) Dragging my trolley off and on the sidewalks, have my Black ‘n White jacket clipped on my shoulders. That’s it; I have to skip some boring details. :)

ü Waiting for others, for friends and free air to be picked up on the way. We stayed @ Andoks for less than an hour (or more? I don’t know), I just review some brainy notes for the GENMATLING Competition and have some pictures while waiting, waiting, waiting :)

ü Finally, we rode on a public utility vehicle straight to the people’s terminal and reconnect to another vehicle straight to the shipping port. Hell you that time for having waited for couple of hours before we ride to the booked ship for a scheduled time. Passengers (particularly students) were flooding at the waiting area. They all came from different schools, wearing their lets-have-same-designed shirts. Pictures, pictures, pictures on this point. Okay, BOOOOOOOP. Time to hit the way to ride in the RORO, together with those stupid trucks, I mean huge trucks. We chose the air conditioned room with television set. Rest, rest, rest. Talk, talk, talk. Goes outside for voyage seeing. Pictures, pictures, pictures here. For A couple of hours, we were there, It’s a hello to the City of Smiles :)

ü Bus trip here, with boring food yet cool friends and companions. Black, black, black were the words I uttered through the trip. The trip from Bacolod’s port to Mambukal Resort is really great. The views were awesome, the air, the ambience, Goose! Almost perfect :) I saw for the first time the actual scene of Mt. Kanlaon and magnificent stony rivers under the bridge. What else? Okay, here we go. I saw the Mambukal sign outside the Resort. Hello here for the first time :)

ü Lunch. The place was great. I can see the lagoon just besides the luncheon venue. The food was great, chicken BBQ, pork stew and a slice of dessert. IDs were distributed to all the delegates, free souvenir shirt and a black-baggy stuff :)

ü CHECK-IN. Oh COOL, room 7A was simply like home, double deck beds and clean CR. Okay this point is one of the funniest parts of the day, we pick as first as we can the bed that we’ll be using for the rest of the stay. I got the best one, the lower cut having a glass window beside. Things were set aside, have a short nap, lay down perfectly, talk, talk, and talk :)

ü Preparation for the GENMATLING competition. I took a short bath, wear my top listed polo and fixed everything. Whew, we’re there in the convention hall, slightly ready to take our seats for the contest. Contest proper…. Hell! The questions are effing hard! We topped the first round, got a special mention for an exceptional correct answer, and the rest is history. We ranked 2nd in Iloilo Province but then, ‘twas a Regional competition and luckily ranked 5th, we felt proud of ourselves, we knew it was just a slip of the chalk that we didn’t make it on top. :)

ü DINNER. Plenty of food, FOOD. I ate just a few ‘coz I’m not in good mood seriously, ‘twas not really relieving looking to the foods in front of me.

ü SKIP the AOG talent and interview night. It was around 12AM and I am fucking tired, as in TIRED. I took a half bath, and any other hygienic routines. SLEEP, not yet actually, I have played with my evening playmate, have some massage and talk, simply. I’m on my insomnia attack that time so I was not able to sleep continuously; I go in and out the room, got a piece of paper and pen, then right something while talking to my conscience. ZzzzZ. Slept :)

DAY 2 – The Memoirs: Me and You!

ü EARLY WAKE UP. That time was so COOL. I woke up early, feel the heat of morning sun, moan a little and went to the CR (morning procedure). That was one of the greatest mornings I ever had, went out the 7A room, do some stretching and sightseeing around. My brain is still buffering of all the crazy stuffs we’ve done the last night, I remembered dancing with them of teach me how to dougie without turning out our attention to those who were passing our sides.

ü AT NATURE WITH FRIEND. I was with a friend, roaming around the resort and take some crazy photos. Soon after, some of our comrades arrived at the so-called-mini-forest. Whoa, the nature is really good; it made our eyes full of scenic views and temporary visual and emotional contentment. We took a lot of photos while sitting on the huge rock at the river side, have a natural pose at the steel bridge and got a snapshot at the dead pool.

ü Altogether. We took our time roaming every sides of the resort, visit the beautiful lagoon, passed by at the officer’s white house, do a lot of in-and-out walking along the creepy roads and stopped a little at the sulfur pool. My heart feels healthy once again ‘coz of those stuffs we’ve made, the person I am with and the bonding we’ve shared.

ü Grand Entrance. ‘Twas cool, entering the hall for breakfast without taking a bath or let me say, without any complete personal hygiene and without change-a-clothe thing.

ü FAILED. I took a bath right after having our breakfast and walked around. I’m with my friend and we’re about to join others having fun at the tourist lodge and have a boating experience at the lagoon. Failed, the cam is running out of battery and we need to go back at our room to recharge. We forgot about those things and just spent several hours talking to each other ‘til the lunch time was around.

ü CONTEST. Ooh, that was boring yet we were learning. Questions on different competition were familiar to us, and we keep on having a wild guess and have a cheer after getting it right :)

ü Lying on my Bed. We are all there at room 7A, lying on the same bed or in other way while planning for an evening galore. We decided to bathe on a hot spring from a nearby to relieve our whole day stress (of taking pictures and roaming around) and some saying, just to experience that big thing. I’m not interested to join with them ‘coz I’m not feeling well that time plus the fact that I might get sick of soaking at the hot spring. I was cajoled to go with them, knowing that if I won’t, I’ll be alone at the room and I don’t like that to happen, so I go with friends.

ü HOT SPRING. Near at the resort is a commercial hot spring. From a short walk, we reached the place; we get up and prepare for a night soaking, together. We all feel sexy and hot that night, hot as the spring water has. It just so fun, and indeed great fun when I first touched the spring, Oh damn, I shouted foul words aloud and those who were there turned on their attention to me. Well, the hot spring moments are one of the “most” that I put in my life, soaking with special person/s with me, do a lot of talk and water play, no! bonding I mean.

ü NO RICE TONIGHT. We really enjoyed staying at the hot spring and it seems we enjoyed forgetting the time too. DAMN, we got late for the dinner at the convention hall and all that were left is a piece of fish, cup of chicken stew and slices of cakes. No rice left for all of us; instead we just grabbed two plates of cakes, weird cake.

ü Mr. and Ms. AOG. Hello there Super Bass, a pageant to remember that is full of lessons and funny stuffs happened. Okay I’ll hit some shortcuts. We have our participants to this event, and they ready looked awesome on stage, they show the confidence with them, and the competence throughout the pageant. Well, they got the very awaited “hakot award” yet only one of them made it to the top three. The most wonderful thing happened that night was for me to have a chance to experience as a part-time contestant having my question and answer portion. I was picked up as one of the three brave souls and forced to go on the center stage. I was interviewed in front of the crowd and answered a very simple question the way I think ‘twas perfect (no need to say everything).

ü The rest of the NIGHT. We are all tired that time and I just do some hygienic thing inside the CR, have an evening shower. I was shocked going out at the CR without my companions; suddenly a friend entered and just told me about the controversy. We’re not aware of the whole story that night ‘coz we decided to stay inside the room and do a lot of stuffs for the rest of the night. Sorry but I can’t tell you the whole thing here but ‘twas just fun :) The controversy brought a lot of thing to learn and things to think with. What ever happened, we still loved our own Miss D. and we still believed that she deserve more what she got that night. Okay that night is the highlight of everything, that’s my own clue. We played a lot :) as in a lot and fell asleep after all the things happened that night. Tired at full. ‘Twas a good night then.

DAY 3 The End: I Love You Yet Goodbye!

ü Excitement. I was slept like a prince when a friend suddenly touches me and called up to take a bath, 5:30AM? Well, we’re just all excited that day but sad as well ‘coz that was a goodbye day for us to leave the resort. We all get up, dressed and prepare everything for the last friend’s tour, the sound-full and people’s choice 7 amazing falls.

ü BREAKFAST. Frankly, I don’t like the foods, not just me who feels that way but my friends too. It was the last breakfast we are about to eat but not that satisfied.

ü 7 stairs to HEAVEN. We started our journey up to the 7th falls right after we take our morning snacks. We’re just at the first fall but we all feel tired and stressed out due to steeply way up. I just have with me my phone, bottled water, some paper bills, and friends. I have them all throughout my entire journey; we walked with too much with smiles and all-out bonding. We passed through the 2nd, the 3rd ‘til the 5th and 6th falls, the experience was terribly amazing though I bathe with my sweat due to heat and dying tiredness. Here we go, way up at the 7th and last fall. The last falling water met up my expectation as the best fall among others. We took a time at that spot to let them soak at the falls foot and have a lot of photo shoots. I feel so in love that time, full of love. Oh, not with a friend, it’s the nature itself! I feel free and wild at that place; all is a mixture of colors, natural colors to be exact. Finally, everything is set, and we are about to leave the place. We decided to ride in a 2 seated motorcycle to arrive at the resort, I may not have the best partner to the trip but I’m happy to have our friend A.K.A “Yayabells” to be with along a adventurous ride.

ü Here we go again at the room 7A, we compiled all our things and put it inside our trolleys and left the room which been a part of my life. We all wore our souvenir shirts, took some goodbye photos outside and proceed directly at the hall for lunch. Afterwards, we just walk just outside and have the last sightseeing around the resort before we left it. The bus was ready and without any further waits, we hit that transpo and set ourselves free from any backflashes.

ü Goodbye Mambukal. Okay, we left that place with full of memories and lot of things to treasured with, the bondings, the wild friends’ experiences and night hang outs. I really want to have it a week to stay there but we still have to set ourselves free from stress and sleepless nights.

ü RIDE WITH THEM. We are from CPU and together with us at the bus are people from SPUI. I feel comfortable with my seat with a friend; I just put my glasses on, share with my friend’s music and sleep besides. We decided to stop over at SM Bacolod to have a last minute shopping and buy some welcome-home treats. I spent great time strolling around with a friend and later, with friends. We bought our own picked souvenir shirts and way-home treats. I feel so great, I just don’t know why; maybe I have with me a special person to hang with. Friends are really amazing and you can’t simply live without them.

ü ON RUSH. So closed, we’re closely about been left by the ship for our scheduled trip. Thank God, we made it to the last minute, I feel my trolley felt also the way I was in hurried to take the last spot at the trip. Ooooh, that trip was cute. Why? We just sit down, talk a little, relax with mild massage, listen to music and suddenly, fell asleep. I feel every moment on our way home is so long, and everything is in slow motion. Memories and breakups seems to be a barrier on our way home, time runs so slow and all is in romantic and maybe stress free set up.

ü DOWN the Ship. It is a Hello to Iloilo, again. We’re all stressed! We took a tricycle and I chose the back seat to have with. The road is not fine, ‘twas full of rocky edges and it seems every turn ups is bouncing, everything bounced. I really feel like sleepy but I can’t, I’m on the back seat and it is impossible to lie down on a friend’s shoulder. Eyes kept on awake, I really feel tired!

ü Off to the City of Love. We took a Jeepney towards the heart of Iloilo. Again, we feel so tired and I was just seated on a small extension chair together with a friend. I can’t give him a verbal signal if he’ll be okay but instead, ‘twas just a phone-to-phone talking. Passengers are lessen as they stepped down the vehicle, 0ne, two, three and a lot stepped out when they reached their destination. We transferred to the usual seat, the foamy one. ‘Twas a long trip indeed, way up to the city. My head seems like to drop with at a friend’s shoulder but I just held it strong and keep myself busy so that I can’t feel like sleepy.

ü LAST TRIP. We were all separated this time, and few of us were together on the jeep to have it on the people’s terminal. I took the usual jeep I’m riding with and seated perfectly with my huge and heavy trolley. I’m hallucinating that time, it seems I’m still at the resort, having fun with friends and talked with them for the rest of the night. I got a lot of head-bangs and I can’t resist from having asleep while on my trip way home. I fell asleep for an hour and I was just surprised that I’m with my hometown now. Few minutes, I gave a signal to the driver and dropped me at my house. Finally, I reached my home safe with full of bring ups, memories and satisfied heart to have with the rest of the days.

ü HOME SWEET HOME. A warmth hello and excitement welcomes me at the living room. I’m about to tell them stories but I really feel tired. I just took a short bath, logged in at my facebook account to check who’s on, update my profile status and finally, embraced my sweet and soft bed then sleep perfectly, like a royal prince.

Indeed, the trip was definitely one of a kind for me. There were a lot of things which I think forbidden yet I keep doing it. Every second of our stay is really important, brought out a lot of things to treasure and reminds me that, there are things which made my life complete and people who touches my entirety with love.

A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions. All experience is an arch where through gleams that untravelled world whose margin fades forever and forever when I move. I believe that all experiences I’ve got are worth remembering for, and worth to build up again.

Every moment is an experience. That would be all, and see you on my next blog post! =)

Saturday, November 5, 2011

ME and YOU together :D

Actually, This is an Ideal Thing to Think with :)

When a man and a woman have feeling for each other, it does not necessarily need to have a formal relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend…

While both of you are still busy with your personal life it’s possible that you could make each other as an INSPIRATION


Isn’t it much sweeter and nicer when you both accomplished everything that you want in life and yet…

You still end up TOGETHER :)


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Frappuccinos were Sweet as THEY are :)

Okay, List 10 things of what we did @ STARBUCKS AFFAIR:

  • Meet up @ SM City, spent so much time to catch each other.
  • Gone to the Department store and hang with gourmet displays.
  • Chasing, we tried to hide with the love team to give them time to hang out with their own :)
  • Left out the mall, we just walked up to the south point for Starbucks thing.

  • Hello Starbucks, very excited to taste you Frappuccino.
  • Fell in line, we keep on pushing each other to be first on the line and have the order for the group.
  • Got our orders, Caramel Frappé, Chai tea Latte, Dark Mocha Frappé, and pieces of twirled bread :)
  • We took so many photos, exposed, sweet and wholesome pics.
  • Visit with Herbie and friends in the front of Plazuela, took pics with the talking car and others.

  • Jump shot at Plazuela, again took photos, laid on the grass and talked so much.

10 stuffs are too short to narrate the story, yet if we combine this 10 things all together, you could see how Happy we are during that time :)