100 Questions Before I Sleep! =)
NAME: Jhon Henry Bueron
AGE: 19
BIRTHDATE: November 1, 1992
1. last beverage = Cranberry White Chocolate Mocha Frappe. I forgot to drink some water after my dinner. Awww!
2. last phone call = Got it from a friend. *evil plan*
3. last text message = “get well soon.. hahaha “
4. last song you listened to = Try Try Try by Jason Mraz
5. last time you cried = Just this afternoon. Cried of too much laugh trip with friends. Haha!
6. dated someone twice = Yes!
7. been cheated on = No!
8. kissed someone & regretted it = No. I mean everything, you want some? Hahaha..
9. lost someone special = yeaa.
10. been depressed = yes! But seldom.
11. been drunk and threw up = Damn. NOOOO!
12. Black
13. Brown
14. Blue
15. Made a new friend = YES!
16. Fallen out of love = Yes. TIP: Don’t dare to touch my hand. Hahaha!
17. Laughed until you cried = Yes. I’m a loud type of person and I most often laugh in any situation. Hahahaha. See!
18. Met someone who changed you = oh yeaaaaa. =)
19. Found out who your true friends were = YES baby.
20. Found out someone was talking about you = yes! My crazing friends often do that to me.
21. Kissed anyone on your FB friend's list = Ey! How did you know that? Hahaha. YES!!!
22. How many people on your FB friends list do you know in real life = Serioously? 50% I think. That’s how friendly I am in FB!
23. Have you ever felt humiliated?= Yes. Awww.
24. Do you have any pet? = Yes. Wanna meet him? His name is Lancer.
25. Do you want to change your name = Naaa. My name sounds like a Prince’ name!
26. What did you do for your last birthday = Talk to a friend, went to the cemetery, food trip, and enjoyed a surprise party at home.
27. What time did you wake up today = uhhhm. 6:30, then I resume sleeping then woke up at 9:30. Hahahaha!
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for= I can’t wait to graduate, go to Paris and find love elsewhere.
30. Last time you saw your Mother = I have my Mom here. Hahaha, 9PM?
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life = Eating routine. I hate being bubbly. Hahaha!
32. What are you listening to right now = Price Tag. Again!
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom? = uhhhm. Maybe? Just Thom. I’m sure with that!
34. What's getting on your nerves right now = Blood of course! Hahaha. I have to sleeeep!
35. Most visited webpage = Facebook, Twitter, Blogspot, Google.
37. Nickname = Jhon, Jan-jan, Henry, Toto, Nonoy, Bueron (grrrrgh!)
38. Relationship Status = Single and still kicking. Hahahaha!
39. Zodiac sign = Scorpio! RAWR.
40. He or She = He.
41. Elementary = Bacan Elementary School
42. High School = Cabatuan National Comprehensive High School
43. College = Central Philippine University College of Business and Accountancy.
44. Hair color = Black.
45. Long or short =Long?
46. Height =5'8" :D
47. Do you have a crush on someone? = A lot. That’s natural, I’m not abnormal.
50. Tattoos = Wait. Uhhm. NONE.
51. Righty or lefty= Righty.
52. First surgery = Head Stitches.
53. First piercing = Nail Piercing. HAHAHA!
54. First best friend = Joven :) grade school. I have many on my nursery years, actually.
55. First sport you joined = Badminton, Volleyball, Track and Field.
56. First vacation = MANILA. My Home. Hahahaha!
58. First pair of trainers = WTF?!
59. Eating = YES. Butter Scotch.
60. Drinking = No.
61. I'm about to = Sleep with you baby! Hahahaha.
62. Listening to = Music.
63. Waiting for = my eyes to close. Hahaha!
64. Want kids? = Yes. I want them.
65. Get Married? = Yes! Why not?!
66. Career? = I always dream to have a spot on a world largest accounting firm! Aww.
67. Lips or eyes = Any! Everything's the same if Light Off is in action :)
68. Hugs or kisses = Hey. BOTH!!!
69. Shorter or taller = Shorter.
70. Older or Younger = Younger.
71. Romantic or spontaneous = Romantic!
72. Nice stomach or nice arms = Nice Arms! yeaaa.
73. Sensitive or loud = LOUD.
74. Hook-up or relationship = Relationship! ♥
75. Trouble maker or hesitant = Hesitant!
76. Kissed a stranger = My lips are not meant for them.
77. Drank hard liquor = Yeaaa!
78. Lost glasses/contacts = maybe? Hahaha.
79. Sex on first date = Lot are not virgins, but I assure you baby, I’m a kicking and wild Virgin Man. Hahahaha!
80. Broke someone's heart = I think so? I don’t mean it, that’s why don’t assume. Okaay?
81. Had your own heart broken = Yes?
82. Been arrested = NO!
83. Turned someone down = YES. Hihi.
84. Cried when someone died = Yes! Flush Flood!
85. Fallen for a friend = ALWAYS. I just hide every angle of it. Tssssk.
86. Yourself = Yes! I love being a celebrity. Hahahaha!
87. Miracles = Yes! I like those.
88. Love at first sight = Honestly? Sometimes. Maybe they’re just a part of my past and never recalled them up.
89. Heaven = Yes!!!!
90. Santa Claus = Yes! Why not? Hahaha!
91. Kiss on the first date = Hahahaha. Kiss? Sure.
92. Angels = Yes! :)))
93. School: Ateneo De Manila University.
94. Drink: Cranberry White Choco Mocha Frappe. Hahaha!
95. Car: Bugatti Veyron!
96. Cellphone: Samsung SII
97: Place/Pasyalan: Party places. Tourist spots. Bar. Mall. House!
98. Food: Pastries! & Fried Alimango.. hahahaha!
99. Bilhin: PHONE. I need a new phone! Ahahaha.
100. After Graduation(college): I will take a deep breath. HAHAHA! Take the CPA Board Exam! After? I will go to places I dream before, tour the Philippines, go to Paris and go back at hometown and decide if I’ll enroll with a law School or not. Actually, I have a lot of personal plans after graduation. My brain just keep on telling me to wait for the right time to think more and tell others ‘bout it. I’ll just hold on what ever I have at that time, be thankful to God that, I have now the diploma and I am blessed for having it.
I just, Thank You for this. =)
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