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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Vampires ongoin' :)

Vampires for Real? no! that was just a, SORE EYES. HAHA =) I thought red eye revolution is few days gone already, but I was just surprised when my cousins got those eyes, the red one. yeah! The crazy thing is that, he keeps on goin' besides me and blow the viral air towards me. As if the virus could really come into my gorgeous eyes. Well, somehow, having red eyes is unique this Christmas season! HAHA =) you're trying to relate with the motif of Holiday season! I just remember my favorite teleserye, Imortal! vampires with red eyes, seems like squeezed eyeballs full of blood. HAHAHA =) I don't know if I'm safe with the red eye invasion. I might get risk of it when I keep on having contact with reddy-eyed people. HAHAHA =) But that was little bit nice, goin' to school then flash your red eyes to your companions. HAHA. I'd never experience to have this weird eyes of the vampires. HAHAHA, I just hope to keep away on this. I have a lot of plans this weekends, and maybe i'll be block on the Airport for this stuff. No! HAHAHA =) No, to Red Eyes, Yes to Vampires! RAWR! =))

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